Sunday, 13 May 2012

Protocols and Cabling

A protocol is a set of rules that controls the communications between computers on a network. In order for two computers to function together in the same network, they must speak the same language. As an example, for two person to work together they first must speak in one language that each other can understand. The Open Systems Interconnection defines seven layers of networking protocols but they can be simplified into four layers. They are :
  1. Ethernet (Physical/Data Link Layers)
  2. IP/IPX (Network Layer)
  3. TCP/SPX (Transport Layer)
  4. HTTP, FTP, Telnet, SMTP, and DNS(combined Session/Presentation/Application Layers)

Networking Equipment

Networking equipment refers to devices conducting the use of a computer network. This includes gateways, routers, network bridges, switches, hubs, and also repeaters.

List Of Networking Equipment :

1. Gateway : Device placed at a network node for interfacing other network that uses different protocol.
2. Router : Device that determine the next network point. Not the same as gateway, router cannot interface different protocols.
3. Bridge : A devie that connects multiple network segments.
4. Switch : A device that allocates traffic from one network segment to certain lines.
5. Hub : Connects multiple Ethernet segments together making them act as one single segment.
6. Repeater : Device used to amplify digital signal. 

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Computer Networking

computer network or simply can be referred as a network, is a collection of hardware components and computers interconnected by communication channels. that communication channels allow sharing of resources and information.Where at least one process in one device is able to send or even receive data to or from at least one process residing. 

Networks may be classified according to a wide variety of characteristics such as the medium used to transport the data, the communications protocol used, the scale, topology and also the scope.